Dates and events

What's happening in 2024

We're a Pop-up campsite – and that means we will only be open for certain weekends. In 2024, our schedule looks a lot like this:

28.06.24 Opening weekend

A fun and relaxing weekend. We will be serving teas and coffees at Centre Camp, please come and say hello and cheer us on for our opening weekend.

05.07.24 Kids damper bread

Kids camp bake session on Saturday afternoon at Centre Camp: Camp bread cooked on a stick over a campfire with some yummy toppings. Come and have some sticky fun! You can book in advance or join on a whim.

12.07.24 Kids nature  trail

Come and join our scavenger hunt! There will be help at hand at Centre Camp for those who need it. Anyone who returns the sheet completed, will receive a small prize!

19.07.24 Fire Making for Kids

A fun and light hearted class that teaches kids how to make a fire safely, using our fire starter kits.

26.07.24 Campfire Muffins.

On Saturday afternoon Katja and Heath will share with you one of their favourite camp baking recipes, chocolate orange muffins. Perfect with your afternoon tea! Please book in advance, so we can ensure we have enough ingredient for everyone.

02.08.24 Spoon Carving

Saturday after lunch we will start a spoon or wand carving class for anyone who wants to learn about whittling. NOTE: It does take up to 3-4 hours to make something amazing. But once you have learned the basics you can finish it in your own leisure.

09.08.24 Build a Fairy Garden

On Saturday afternoon we will go around the site looking for materials and then return back to the Centre Camp to build a fairy garden to take home. Trays, compost and flower seeds for planting will be provided for all the garden designers!

16.08.24 DJ barbeque 

Heath will be cooking a BBQ and playing some gentle Saturday afternoon tunes.

23.08.24 Closed for Shambala

This is such a feature in our calendar, that we just couldn't bring ourselves to open on the weekend. Hopefully we will see some of you there!

30.08.24 Wild Food weekend

Explore the site through new eyes, as we guide you through the edible wild plants that grow on the site. 

06.09.24 Burning Kat

Burning Kat! Our closing weekend, when we close our first season with a celebration and give thanks to all the amazing people who helped us along the way!